Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Father is our pride and love

Father is our pride and love

While the family of father, mother, and a daughter was traveling, they had an accident. It was a big accident in which the car rolled down on a slope.Though the mother wounded slightly, the father and the daughter wounded severely, and had to be hospitalized.

The daughter’s wound was especially deep. Despite of all the treatments that had been done, she had to live her whole life on crutches. At that time, she was going on puberty, which created a deep scar in her heart. While her friends enjoyed PE, she just had to sit under the shade and watch.

When her friends chattered and hung out in groups, she had to come home on her crutches. She cried a lot. Her father,who was also on crutches, was her only comfort.

When the daughter complained, the father; who knew well about her circumstances, accepted her complains without words. The only happiness that the daughter had was when she talked to her father sitting on the bench in the park.

Going through the difficult times of puberty, the daughter went into college. The father came to her orientation and hugged her tightly.

I am so proud of you,being my daughter.”

One day, on the same year, the family was walking along together. There was a small child playing with his ball.

When the ball rolled down the big road,the child ran to pick it up without looking around. Then something amazing happened.

The father threw his crutches away, ran to the road, took the child, and crossed to the other side of the road. The father ran nimbly and naturally. The daughter couldn't believe her eyes.

After a while, embracing the daughter the mother whispered:

Darling, I think it’s time for you to know. Actually, your father is not ill at all. He got well after being hospitalized.

But after knowing that you had to live your life on crutches, he willingly wanted to live on crutches. He said he must share your pain. His clients, even his cousins don’t know about this at all. I twas a secret between your father and me.

Looking at the father waving his hands on the other side of the road, the daughter shed her tears endlessly. Father is our pride and love.

Source from: 'Father! The most greatest and lonely person’ / Bobos

Love for the Sinner

Love for the Sinner

Growing as the only daughter, I only knew how to receive love. Giving love was too unfamiliar to me, which I treated it as if it had nothing to do with me. I didn't even know how to consider the love of my physical parents, which made me difficult to realize Heavenly Mothers love; and that realization took for quite a while.

Though in Zion, I saw many films containing Heavenly Mothers sacrifice, I did not understand why She had to choose such a difficult path of sufferings. After I have watched for several times, I just reacted calmly and thought, Yeah, like in the film,Heavenly Mother indeed suffered a lot. Without realizing that deep love, I just continued giving pain and scars to Heavenly Mother every day.
Throughout extremely hot weather few days ago, I guess from something that I had ate made me have a stomach ache, and it was burning that I couldnt bear. I thought I would get better since I took medicine and went to the hospital and had an IV, however I started to have chills, wouldn't move my head because of the headache, which eventually gave me so much pain that I couldnt even take a step forward. It was my first time being sick like this.
As if I might be ready to collapse, enduring the pain, I finally reached home and collapsed on my bed. Though the weather was hot,having chills, I had to pull over the blanket on me. It was really hot and cold. It was painful which I cant describe that feeling with words. Then, I started to have high fever, my whole body became hot like a great ball of flame which didn't let me have any energy to even moan, and I couldnt open my eyes because it hurt so much.
As I gradually fell into a coma, I started to think of Heavenly Mother. She clearly came up in my head just like I have watched on the film. Our Heavenly Mother, who couldn’t even buy medicine because She had no money despite of the high fever and being ill, and She had to endure all the pains throughout the long night in a cold room. Our Heavenly Mother, who had to suffer all alone in a cold room, where even the water jug was all frozen.

I even thought of Heavenly Mother who massaged elaborately of one patient sitting on Her knees. Oh Heavenly Mother! At that moment I realized that Her cartilage was all worn out. Tears welled up my eyes and it fell down my cheeks. It fell continually, like beads falling of its string.

‘Oh Mother! How did You endure the pain hanging between life and death, all alone… What kind of sinner am I! Why did You have to endure that long painful night without medicine for this maggot life; to save me, the sinner? Mother!
Why did You have to endure that pain for this invaluable worthless sinner? Mother I am so sorry. I am so sorry, Mother!
My soul hurt more than my body. It was irresistible to stop my tears, feeling the Mothers pain that She had to suffer for me. Oh, what kind of sinner am I... For a long time I was heartless, disregarding and ignoring Heavenly Mother’s love… My sinful past came up in my mind like a film and pierced my soul.
I couldnt say anything but I was sorry... I hated myself so much and I endlessly missed Heavenly Mother. I was sorry and endlessly missing Her... I wanted to come near to Her but I had the mind that I couldnt possibly get near to the noble Heavenly Mother... At that time, I felt as if She was stroking my head with a benevolent smile. I think through all the pains and regrets I fell asleep.
When I woke up, my whole body and head was stiff with pain, and my blanket was all wet. I thought of Heavenly Mother who smiled and stroke my head. Oh Heavenly Mother! For me, these several hours are so painful as if I am going to die, how did You endure many long painful nights? Because of me, I made You to go through all the sufferings! I was so sorry that I wept and wept...

Thinking that this sinful child might not be saved without realizing Mothers love, I believe with Her great grace, She made me realize a ten-thousandth of Mothers love. Now, I will not just stay crying. I will change my sorrows into actions and live a life of repentance.

Mother, please let me scrub off dirt of as a prodigal sinner and wash my filthy soul with Your water of life! Mother, allow me to give this whole body and mind to You! Mother, allow me to give a gift of repentance to You! Mother, allow me to love You so that all Your pains cannot become in vain! Allow me to proclaim Mothers great sacrifice to the whole world! My Mother, I truly deeply give thanks to You.

Just For the Child

Just For the Child

The rest of my mom’s life is shorter than the life she has been living. She goes in and out of the hospital as if it is her home.

Since she repeats being hospitalized and getting discharged because of constant fainting and tripling,I always had to hear the news from my elder sisters.

Being the sixth of the seven children, I lived in Chicago and all the rest of my family lived in Indiana.

I thought she was fainting because of vertigo, but after knowing that it happened because of her blurry sight, I returned to Chicago.

After having a checkup in a hospital, she had the result that she has lost almost all of her sight of one of her eyes.

She was also diagnosed that her other eye was on the primary stage of macular degeneration.

The doctor said that if she leaves her other eye without operation, she will lose all of her sight.

Being the youngest, after setting the date of operation, I decided to be with her.

Living a life only for her children,she endured the pain all alone without saying that she was ill, worrying that the children might worry about her.

I was thankful having the time with my mom.

Meanwhile, she was delivered to Zion, into Heavenly Mother’s arms.

She got rid of the idols that she had been worshiping for a long time; out of her heart.

Taking her to the hospital,nursing, and preparing warm meals for her,

I was so thankful for having the opportunity to serve my mo


My heavy heart became light as a feather.
Reminiscing about my mom’s life, which was only for her children, I realized a bit of Heavenly Mother’s great love and sacrifice.

Though She is hurt, She wouldn't say, though She is tired, She wouldn't say.

I give eternal thanks for Heavenly Mother’s love, the love of looking only after Her children.

Now, I want to be a good daughter for my Heavenly Mother.

Elohim God,has given us the true life and blessings of eternal life for these souls living a life in vain.

With God’s love coming from my heart,

I realize that the only opportunity to repay for their grace is to preach the gospel.

I truly thank Heavenly Mother who is still delivering the message of love for these children who are sinners.

Mom is always sorry

Mom is always sorry

There is a word that my mom constantly tells to me and my sister.

That is the word, ‘sorry.’

She says sorry even if she hasn't done anything wrong.

Mom,I asked you to wash this clothes for me!”

I’m sorry, I forgot. I will wash it for you tomorrow. Sorry.”

Mom,you told me that you’re going to make this for me.”

I’m sorry. I will surely make that for you tomorrow.”

Mom,why didn't you come to pick me up!”

I’m sorry. I’m coming.”

We are the ones to be sorry since we always ask her for things, but my mom always says she is sorry to us.

During puberty, after quarreling with my dad, I packed my suitcase and ran away from home.

At that time, my mom came running without her shoes on and said with tears,

I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault, so let’s go home.”

Even when she is sick, she prepares breakfast for us in the early morning.

When she couldn't possibly prepare breakfast by chance, she again apologizes.

When I vent my anger to her because I couldn't find something that carelessly put somewhere in the house, she apologizes for not taking care of it.

My younger sister has troubles getting up in the mornings, so she has a tantrum whenever my mom wakes her up.

Whenever that happens, my mom would apologize.

When my sister gets angry when mom wakes my sister late by chance, my mom would apologize again.

When my mom goes to buy things in the market, she will be relentlessly bargaining.

When she goes to a restaurant she will be meticulous about the dishes.

That would make me embarrass. However, she becomes very weak only in front of her children.

Looking at my mom, it reminds me of Heavenly Mother.

Whenever I watch the Biblical play, ‘Heavenly Mother's Great Sacrifice 1-Heaven,’ there is a part which makes my heart ache so much.

That is when Heavenly Mother drops down and weeps mournfully, after Her children is expelled from Heaven.

Compared to Heavenly Mother’s sorrow, the Heaven is cruelly, expressed so beautifully.

Just for the fact that Her children is expelled, She doesn't see the glorious beautiful Heaven,but laments.

Though I gave true thanks to Heavenly Mother who loved this sinner so much, I hated myself so much for hurting Her.

Writing this, I give thanks for the fact that I am the child receiving God’s love.

God will give up everything to give love for the children.

Now, I will try my best to put that love into action for my Heavenly brothers and sisters.

I truly give thanks to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their infinite love, allowing me to live as their child.